The project was run in three stages over a period of 8 weeks, with support from our team of Online Facilitators and Copy Editors, with all outputs being captured and shared using our online platform, Zip-Zap Ideas®.
In Stage One, our team of Copy Editors helped the core project team to refine 32 concepts, so that all ideas followed a similar format and used a similar style. When refining and testing concepts, our aim is to test the relevant merits of the ideas and not the relevant merits of different styles of writing.
In Stage Two, we two virtual Zip-Zap-Zoom workshops for a team of over 60 delegates world-wide.....crazy, but it worked! Both sessions ran for just two hour and we used 12 different Zoom breakout rooms to enable smaller team working. Each break-out room had a leader who was trained in the process, with guidance from the "master Zip-Zap-Zoom facilitator". The individual teams were asked to vote and provide feedback on ideas (workshop 1) and to refine and add new ideas (workshop 2).
In Stage Three, our team of copy editors used the Zip-Zap platform to review ALL the team comments and to make final refinements ahead of wider evaluation with the global team and target consumers.