The project was run in three stages. In stage one, we set up and ran a collaborative insight sharing process using our online tools, virtualHOTHOUSE® and insightsBOX®. Over 300 "early insights" were shared by the global team covering different innovation pillars from retail display to in-store training. These early insights were then themed and refined by our team of copy editors, producing a final list of 60 insights that were then re-evaluated by the global team to identify the leading "winSIGHTS" to take forward to stage 2.
Stage two was driven by 4 Ideation Hothouse™ workshops held at a Global Retail Innovation conference in South Korea with over 100 delegates. Each Hothouse™ workshop was run by one of our creative facilitators who encouraged creative thinking linked to leading insights, combined with other creative thinking exercises. All ideas were captured and refined using our online innovation platform that is now the basis of Zip-Zap Ideas®.
In the final stage, leading retail ideas were grouped into different themes and refined by our team of copy editors. A total of 40 leading mini-concepts were then evaluated by the global team in over 50 markets. This evaluation work identified 6 winning ideas that we then developed into full and final concepts, with drawings from our artists. This work was then concluded with a number of "Action Planning Workshops" in South Korea, where leading concepts were further refined and developed into detailed action plans.