The project was run in two distinct phases. In phase one, from June to July, our team of Insight Agents and Trend Scouts gathered over 200 early insights and trends from a variety of sources. This included revisiting "old market research" with fresh eyes, gathering insights from social media listening, and gathering deeper insights from a series of online interviews with target patients. All early insights were gathered and shared using our online Zip-Zap platform. Around 80 "leading insights" were grouped into different themes and refined by our team of Copy Editors. Leading insights were then evaluated by their wider project team to assess their "innovation potential".
In phase two, from August to September, leading "WINsights" from phase 1 were used to inspire fresh thinking and new ideas. This work was led by our global network of Creative Agents. The project team also had a chance to engage in the process by attending two virtual brainstorming workshops. This work produced around 130 "early ideas" covering different themes and insights. A final list of 60 "mini-concepts" were then refined by our Copy Editors prior to wider evaluation with the project team and with 200 target patients in the USA. All ideas were captured, refined and evaluated using Zip-Zap Ideas®.