Our Zip-Zap Champions Creative Facilitation Training involves a fun and intensive 3-day interactive course. Delegates are provided with guidance on the Zip-Zap™ approach and they follow a case study project that encourages then to "learn by doing" and to "learn from mistakes".
The first day of the training kicks-off with an interactive exercise called Into the Danger Zone that is based on the principal, that to be a good facilitator, you need to take some risks. Delegates also cover some core facilitation models, and they use the Case Study to cover some "Zip-Zap Secrets" linked to planning for a successful innovation outcomes.
Day two focuses on how to run a successful innovation workshop event over 1 or 2 days. Delegates cover important learnings linked to room set up followed by extensive practice using a wide range of creative facilitation and brainstorming techniques. They are guided on how to write effective ideas and they all receive a licence and training on how to use Zip-Zap Ideas®.
The final day provides delegates with an opportunity to refine ideas with target customers and to turn leading ideas into specific action plans. As the course closes, all delegates get feedback from one of our Innovation Coaches who observes all delegates over the course of the full 3 days.
Since 2020, the Zip-Zap Champions Training can be run virtually. For example, we have recently trained 24 people from one organisation, with delegates attending four separate Zoom sessions over 4 days. On each day, delegates were split into 2 groups, attending in the morning or afternoon. On each day, delegates completed a number of different tasks in virtual breakout room, ensuring that the course was highly interactive.