All three projects were run over a period of 10-14 weeks using our creative and insights-driven approach, with all outputs being captured and shared using our online platform, Zip-Zap Ideas®.
In Stage One of each project, our team of Trend Scouts and Insight Agents took time to gather early insights from available market research, social media sources and informal consumer closeness work. Our team of Copy Editors then worked with the Core Project Team to refine leading insights that were evaluated online with a wider global team, to identify the leading insights for focus.
In Stage Two, we ran virtual Zip-Zap-Zoom workshops with our team of Creative Agents. For each project, they focused on 30-40 leading insights, to inspire the generation of early claims. All claims were captured on Zip-Zap Ideas® and shared with the Core Project Teams who highlighted favourites and added missing ideas. A final list of around 40 claims were selected for each project. These were then refined by our Copy Editors prior to online screening using Zip-Zap Ideas® with target consumers and the global innovation team.